Wilde Tool 5pc Punch & Chisel Set Pin Taper Center Made in USA FTO

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Product Overview

This set includes a variety of the most commonly used Pin, Solid, & Center punches and chisels all in one nice vinyl case. Forged in the USA by Wilde Tools with over 90 years of experience in making professional industry quality hand tools!
All Wilde Punches and Chisels are Forged from High Carbon Molybenbenum Tool Steel & heat treated to be the Strongest Tools on the Market for Professional Use!
Included items:
- Chisel #CC1232 – 3/8” Cut, 5-1/4 Length, 5/16 Stock Size
- Chisel #CC2032 – 5/8” Cut, 6-1/2 Length, 1/2 Stock Size
- Center Punch #PC1232 – 5” Length, 3/8 Stock Size
- Pin Punch #PP632 – 3/16” Cut, 5-1/2 Length, 5/16 Stock Size
- Solid Punch #PS632 – 3/16” Cut, 5” Length, 3/8 Stock Size


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